Sunday, 30 September 2012

Moose Coffee

Evening all :)

How's your weekend been?

I've had a lovely couple of days, but have also struggled with the old "temple" which is not on my team these days! Achey..

Anyways, thought I would share a tip with you; If you like a big breakfast - American/Canadian style and you're ever in Liverpool, you simply have to go to Moose Coffee... The portions are sooo big and the food is amazing :)

My favourite has to be their pancakes with maple sirup and smoked, streaky bacon.. Yeah buddy!

Check out their website here.

We also made it through the second season of Boardwalk Empire today and as I don't have Sky, my life is pretty empty.. Guess we have to wait for the third season to come out on dvd.. What to watch in the meantime??!

Oh well, for now I guess I'll keep myself busy with a workout..

Btw can you believe it's October tomorrow already? New week, new month - new opportunities!

I promise there will be more fashion this week, so stay tuned..



Friday, 28 September 2012

Back from the dead

So to speak..

The migraine is finally showing signs of letting go and I could not be happier!!

What better time to take care of the old temple - mud mask, hot chocolate and a few squares of dark chocolate whilst doing my nails... Aaaahh nothing is like a bit of pampering after a long week!

(Work in progress)

Have to look my best as I have a breakfast date with the bf tomorrow!! I can already taste the pancakes... Yay <3

Have a lovely night everyone and I'll catch you later!


Word to the wise

Don't have a bubble bath if you're having a migraine!

Unfortunately, I had to learn this lesson the hard way...

Why you say - it sounds like a great, relaxing idea! Well, it isn't!! Believe you me, the evil little bubbles will become your worst enemies as they might as well be bombs and grenades going off around your head!





Just a little Friday afternoon tip...


Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Rainy days

Hi all,

It might be 3.30pm, but I only just got out of bed.. Migraine from hell!

I got bored of lying in bed, so I dragged my duvet with me into the lounge and crashed on the couch with a cup of hot chocolate..

As I can't have the telly on (as my head might explode), all I can hear is the rain pounding on the windows... Although it's too loud, it's quite nice...

I got a belated birthday card in the post from my dad and stepmum today which cheered me up a bit.. Lovely isn't it! 

Hope you're having  a nice Wednesday :)


Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Bargain Tuesday

It's been all about me the last few days, so  it's definitely time to bring some fashion into the mix! And what's better than a bargain or two to bring a smile to your face :)

This week, I've created one, or three seperate looks - the ways to style these shorts are endless..

Hope you're well!


The simple things

It's such a cliché , but I find that it really is the simple things in life that brings most joy!

Take last night for instance..  After a hard core workout I snuggled up in new pyjamas and slippers and watched the Holiday. Which btw must be one of the cutest films ever made! Then I went to bed in brand new, clean bedding - warm out of the dryer... Aaah lovely!

(I can see now that I might have to buy an iron!)

Hope you're all having a great Tuesday morning :)

Will be back later with this week's bargains..


Monday, 24 September 2012

Light my fire

Ok, so I purposely left this story out yesterday. It was just too fresh in my memory and was getting me down!

I've been making fires since I was little, right.. Not in a psycho pyro kind of way - I grew up in a house with wood burning fire and being able to make a fire was a real necessity.. I am from Norway after all! It gets cold..

Anyways.. It is safe to say that our Saturday night camp fire was a real fiasco.. As the bf has never made a fire in his life, the task was left in my capable hands.. At least they used to be.. For some reason it took me well over an hour to get it going with good help from the bf's roadmap. And still it was the shittest fire I've ever seen!!!

At this point I was still a happy camper...

By the time the fire was "going", it was dark, dinner was cold and I was in a right mood... 

Have I mentioned we're going camping again in a week or two?! Role reversal - man make fire, woman cook food!!!


Commuters' paradise

Sorry, I meant commuters' hell..

Monday mornings are hard enough without this terrible weather! Torrential rain, strong winds and very cold... One of the first things said on BBC Breakfast  was that the Monday morning commute might be unpleasant..


To cheer myself up, I got myself a little treat for the train - blueberry muffin!!

I was trying to document the appalling weather in St Helens at 7.30am this morning..  This makes it look lovely..

Hope you're having a better start to the week!


Sunday, 23 September 2012

Wellies on... Wellies off...

So we made it back alive!!

It was touch and go, but we're ok... 

We were actually incredibly lucky with the weather - no rain whatsoever.. However, it was freezing cold and I had a bit of a bitch fit when the bf woke me up in the middle of the night! 

Why - because he was too HOT!!! Can you believe it?!! I was shivering away in my thermals, snood and gloves under two blankets, and he was moaning because he couldn't find the zipper to open the sleeping bag... As we have a double sleeping bag it caused a bit of an issue..

Then he managed to elbow me in the back... Tell me you wouldn't be just a little bit annoyed...

All in all, though - a successful first camping trip! 

Btw, how cute is this old couple down by the lake? In front of the tree, there was a woman painting them.. Creepy that I took a picture? Eh, fair game - they were on display anyways.. 

Hope you all had a lovely weekend! 

Sweet dreams..


Saturday, 22 September 2012

Nursing a hangover

Morning all!

Last night I went for a few drinks to celebrate my birthday with my partner in crime. I always go with the intention of maybe having a glass of wine with the meal.. In the time I've known Lady B, that's maybe happened twice..

Oh well, we only live once..

It all started with a wine spritzer at the pub with lunch (we saw our new boss with a pint so it was ok)

Then went from wine with dinner to Mojitos at a bar

And water, coffee and tablets this morning!

I really can't be hungover as I'm going camping with the bf today.. For some reason I always seem to meet up with Lady B on the night before I'm meant to do something with the bf and he is not impressed when I can hardly move in fear of being sick.. 

There will be none of that today, though.. I got up right after 7am, in order to sort myself out with water and tablets.. After I've packed I might even fit in a workout.. Then we're off to Lake Bala or something to that effect..

Wish me luck with the camping - it'll be absolutely freezing! I'll hopefully be able to pop in tomorrow with pictures and tell you how it went :)

Have a great day!


Friday, 21 September 2012

Lana Del Rey

I find that there is something strangely fascinating about this woman - the way she acts, dresses and sings..

What's your thoughts on her campaign for H&M?

She looks rather depressed, but I think the pictures are lovely.. Guess she's going for the artistic, moody  look.. But hey - it works...


Thursday, 20 September 2012

Electric blues

How are we getting on this Thursday?

I can't wait to get out of the office, as I am meeting up with the bf later to watch Boardwalk Empire! It is such a good show and I am totally hooked.. As the box set is at the bf's I am very imrpessed that he hasn't watched it without me - I would probably not be able to help myself :)

Just dropped in to share this lovely trend with you - bright blue! Navy is also big, so you could always tone it down if you don't feel comfortable in something quite so show-stopping..

I absolutely adore the blouse from Mango and might have to stop by a shop to try it on!

Have a great day everyone :)



Good morning!

Only one more sleep and it's Friday :)

Right, lets move on to the fashion - what's your thoughts on the Baroque trend that's everywhere this autumn? Is it far too over the top, or do you reckon it's thumbs up?

Have a nice morning, and I'll see you when I see you!


Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Red Hot

Hi everyone!

Ignoring all the chores I should be doing, I'm on the sofa watching National Treasure stuffing my face with chocolate.. Not very prouctive, I know.. But the night is still young, so as soon as the film ends, I will start ticking off things on my to-do-list..

First though, a very prominent trend for fall...

Have a good night!


The day after..

If it hadn't been for the bf, I would have been extremely depressed yesterday! Not a single card or phonecall from anyone back home..
Luckily, the bf spoils me rotten and took me to the best spot in town - the Panoramic.. Safe to say that it lived up to it's name, with a spectacular view of the Mersey.. Oh so romantic! Fantastic staff, food, wine and general ambiance put a huge smile on my face, and I consider myself very lucky to have such an amazing person in my life :) If you ever have the chance to go - DO IT! They'll treat you like royalty and refer to you as sir and madam - love it! And lets face it - any place that serves pre-desserts, dessert and then a celebatory birthday treat is a number 1 in my book!!!

Macaroons - could it get any better???

Hope you're all having a lovely day...

Catch you later!


Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Bargain Tuesday

Hi all,

How's your day going?

Today I only have a few bits and bobs for you, I'm afraid. I found these items last night, and was too tired too excited for my birthday to keep on looking... Hope you like it!

Excited to go home now - nice relaxing bath and a glass of wine before meeting the bf for dinner! 


Birthday girl!!!

Yay, that's me!!

Happy bithday to meeee... As I woke up all by myself, I have to cheer myself on so I won't get all depressed.. No cards in the post and no one here to make me breakfast..

Oh well.. I resisted the urge to bounce out of bed to open my pressies this morning. I took my time getting ready, then snuggled up on the sofa with my gifts.

My favourite chocolates - if you've never had them you need to get some <3 And the wellies I've wanted for aaages.. With the boot bag, I'm definitely ready for camping :) We're thinking of going this weekend, but the weather might put a stop to that..

Now, though, it's time to head off to work so I wish you all a great day!

See you later!


Monday, 17 September 2012

One more sleep

And then I'll be 24 and I can open my big-girl presents!!

I could not be more excited as I have the best bf in the world and not only has he given me gifts, but he is also taking me out for dinner :) Bring on 18. September!!!

Have a great night!

Will catch up with you in the morning :)


Just do it

If I'm lucky enough to get some cash for my birthday I've decided to get some new fitness clothing :) Whilst I would reserve most for boring things like food and bills, I would definitely treat myself to some new gear in order to boost my motivation.. But to be honest, I'll probably get it anyways.. Money well spent! As I love Nike, I was thinking something like this...

New week, new opportunities - get your sporty on!


Wet dream

You have no idea - my mouth was like a waterfall when I got up this morning.. No dirty thoughts, eh - I was dreaming of this..

Lindor Milk Chocolates from Lindt!

I saw these in Boots the other day, and I have been thinking of them ever since.. They were MASSIVE! Actually took up the space of the shelf.. I want one <3


Sunday, 16 September 2012

Weekend bliss

Hi all!

How was your weekend??

Mine was pretty much perfect - lunch out, walk in the park, watching Boardwalk Empire, Sunday roast... AND presents :D Yay, I love birthdays!!!

But I can't open them until TUESDAY!!! Two more sleeps :)

Sweet dreams!


Saturday, 15 September 2012

Happy days


I woke up a bit later than planned, but I guess I needed a lie-in :) As we speak, I'm having this lovely breakfast whilst watching a bit of telly.. Then I'm meeting the bf - perfect Saturday!

Hope you're having a great start to the weekend!

See you later :)


Friday, 14 September 2012

Friday night treat

Hi all!

How was your Friday?

Despite the very best intentions, I had little faith that I would actually get anything done after work today.. BUT - I've picked out a dress to wear for my birthday - didn't even have to buy anything new.. I've done the washing and cleaned the flat.. And I've worked out! Go me..

After a quick shower, I set the mood with lots of candles and treated myself to a lovely banana smoothie! (My flat is so cold, I'm hoping the candles will warm me up a bit...)

Now I'm all snuggled up on the couch getting ready to watch an episode of Losing it with Jillian Michaels.. Gotta love her!

Oh well, catch you later!

Sweet dreams...


Lovely in Lace

The fab thing about lace is that it works for all seasons as you can style it accordingly. Lace looks amasing with lots of layers, so it's a great style for autumn/winter. Luckily you can find it everywhere as it's a key trend this season..

If it's too feminine for you - add some boots and a leather jacket and you're right on the money :)

As they say in the advert: Simples!



Morning everyone!

I'm sure I'm not the only one who's happy that it's Friday! It's been such a long week - coming back from holiday, having a cold and being on a later shift than usual... Bring on 5.30pm :)

I feel so behind on... everything! So this weekend I need to get to it - excercise, cleaning, washing, the blog... I also need to find a dress to wear for my birthday!

Anyways.. I started catching up on the train this morning - writing the postcards I should have written whilst we were still in Scotland.. There's not enough hours! Better late than never, though - right? I simply love postcards and get so happy when I find something handwritten amongst all the crap I get sent in the post!

Guess it's time to get cracking! Work then play.. Growing up sucks!

Happy Friday everyone! :)


Thursday, 13 September 2012


Wanted - my bed, my duvet, my laptop..

Lilyhammer is a Norwegian-American television series about NY mobster Frank Tagliano, played by Little Steven! Being a true Sopranos fan AND Norwegian, I am very excited about this show :)

It was originally made to be aired on Norwegian television, but now it seems that everyone wants a piece of the cake.. I am super happy that it has finally made its way to Britain. Watch it on BBC iPlayer here.  Each episode is available for 7 days, so make sure to keep up top date :)

So here's the plot: Frank testifies in a trial in the US and joins the witness protection program. Apparently the 1994 Winter Olympics got him interested in Lillehammer, Norway. 'The transition from being a feared and respected gangster in New York, to becoming an unemployed immigrant in Norway, is not simple. Frank soon discovers that in order to succeed in this rural Norwegian society, he must resort to his old ways' (IMDB)...

Just a tip!

See you later...


This just in..

Morning everyone!

No energy, feeling rubbish - want to go home.. How dramatic!

Last night I got in at 7.30 and went bed to bed an hour later.. No cleaning day for Miss W.. Also safe to say that my AM workouts are not working out (see what I did there?!)

So on my morning break I've had a little look at what's new at H&M this week to cheer me up.. I like what I see!

Hope you're having a nice week so far!

Will catch up with you later :)


Wednesday, 12 September 2012

50 shades of grey

Ok, not quite as many - and it has nothing to do with the book.. I simply love grey! How can you go wrong with a mix of black and white?!

Hope you're all having a lovely Wednesday :)



Inside out

Morning people!

As I was tidying up around the flat yesterday, I stumbled upon my handbag realising it was in desperate need of some organising. Bag upside down = utter chaos.. I have to mention that this mayhem arose in  one of my smaller bags..

I'm sure that most girls can relate to this image - it's simply inevitable! Amongst others, I found no less than 11 hair bands and 19 hairgrips.. Which explains why I can never find them in my drawer.. Now I know to look at the bottom of my bags, rather than buying new ones all the time.. I also had a cup a soup and a fridge magnet... 'Cause why wouldn't I? 

Things like receipts, empty wrappers and old mints are a given.. However, it turns out I carry enough tablets with me to supply a small pharmacy! Who knew..

Anyways - a new day - another (bigger) bag.. Let the mayhem begin :)

Happy Wednesday everyone! Only two more sleeps until Friday..


Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Bargain Tuesday

So, it's that time of the week again - time to be fashion savy and as Gok would say: get the look for less :)

Why not get ready for the upcoming season with items that are already in the sales?! Genius!

If I were you, I would definitely check out the ongoing sale at Debenhams - all of the following can  be found on their website and they will even ship your goodies for FREE :)

Dinner next - home made mash and oven baked cod fillet with rosemary and tomato sauce + veg.. Oh yes!

Hope you're all having a lovely evening!

Catch you later..


Eye of the tiger

Good morning all!

I feel like a regular Rocky Balboa today. Only my Apollo Creed is a cold. Like Rocky, though - I can win!

Last night was spent like this...

Whilst this morning I conquered the urge to stay in bed just a little bit longer and got to it. No raw eggs, but it still did the trick.. Yeah buddy!

Now I'm a little bundle of energy :) Be sure to stop by later for Bargain Tuesday!

See you later!


Monday, 10 September 2012

Scotland - full update

Hi all!

Having a good Monday?

I'm waiting for my Tesco delivery and slowly dying of starvation.. A week away means no food in the house!

To distract me from my rumbling belly, I figured I would share some my favourite instagram pictures from Scotland.. Amongst others, we went to Stirling Castle, Urqhuhart Castle, Brodie Castle & Carlisle Castle. Fort George, Fort Augustus and Culloden. We also saw Beauly Priory, Ness Islands and one of the tallest lighthouses in Britain but of course I've forgotten the name. We naturally saw lots of lochs, as they are fairly hard to avoid, and we went on plenty of roadtrips throughout the week - a definite must. We even went on a boat trip on Loch Ness, but there was no Nessie to be seen..Oh, and I almost forgot Hadrian's Wall.. The evenings were filled with BBQ's, wine and movies. Perfect combo, perfect holiday :)

Be sure to tune in tomorrow - Bargain Tuesday is coming your way!

Have a nice night!


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