Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Genius DIY clothing rack

Earlier today I came across this awesome DIY and I really wish I had space to do it myself!!

Check out Love Aesthetics for the original post on how to make this clothing rack by using nothing but plumbing tubes and a few 3 way joints - gravity will do the rest.. So, so clever!! And very minimalistic - meaning that your clothes will really stand out..

So what do you think? It's good, isn't it?!



  1. Så utrolig fint! Har desverre ikke plass til deg hvor jeg bor nå, men kanskje en gang i fremtiden når jeg har kjøpt noe eget? :)

  2. Replies
    1. Should be, as gravity pulls it down.. Unfortunately I can't really try it in my current flat :/

  3. Hei Charline.

    Ida, som du jobber med litt i Pilkington her :)

    Har du en email addresse eller telefon nummer jeg kunne nå deg på? Eventuelet sende meg en mail på :)

    Håper alt er bra med deg, takk :)

  4. Replies
    1. I know, right?! And you can always use your imagination to spice it up a bit :)

  5. Choose from our wide selection of clothing racks including our stylish boutique racks to our standardized selection of black and chrome garment racks which are great for both store and home.


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