Wednesday 29 August 2012

Darker shade of pale

Hi all,

How are we doing?

As my head feels like cotton wool, I've treated myself to a time-out with a magazine and a snack.. A little break was much needed, but I can't say I feel refreshed. Now I need to do more washing, clean the flat and work out.. Bring on bedtime (how sad!).. On a happy note, there's only three more sleeps until Scotland <3

Just thought I would share some things I found earlier today - the colour scheme is, as you can see, based on my woolly head.. 

Hope you're having a good night!

Catch you later...



  1. Hei igjen,Charline..
    God bedring til deg og hodet ditt :)
    I know the feeling..
    Spennende bursdagsfeiring du har i vente <3
    Kan du sende meg adressen din,kanskje det dukker opp noe i postkassa di..

    Klem fra meg og sola i nord

    1. Takk for det! Har sendt en melding på WhatsApp :)


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